Ingredient : Curry Leaves
What are Curry Leaves?
As the name suggests, Curry Leaves are most popularly known for their use in Indian food. Native to the entire southeast Asian region, Curry Leaves grow on trees that vary in size from small shrubs to full-sized evergreen trees. These leaves, apart from being used in food, have also been used for their incredible benefits for hair health for centuries across southeast Asia.
What are the benefits of Curry Leaves for hair?
- Curry Leaves contain vitamins, proteins, and antioxidants that contribute to cellular regeneration in the scalp. This helps strengthen and nourish the scalp, thereby improving overall hair health.
- Topical application of Curry Leaf extracts promotes hair growth and adds a soft, natural shine to your hair. The amino acids in these extracts help strengthen individual hair as well.
- The alkaloids and antioxidants in Curry Leaves help cleanse your hair and repair any damage caused by pollution and dirt. This helps control breakage, split ends, dryness, frizz, greying, and other common hair-related issues.
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